School of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Heriot Watt University
EH14 4AS
I am an EngD student at the Industrial Doctorate Centre in Optics and Photonics, working with the Visionlab group of Heriot Watt University, and Thales Optronics, part of Thales Group based in Glasgow.
My project aims to develop sensor processing techniques to improve the performance of interpretation tasks (e.g. object detection, recognition, tracking and situational awareness) on a land-based mobile platform. My current focus is in modelling Thales's high-resolution polarimetric thermal imager, CatherineMP, in order to identify possible features to use for vehicle detection.
Vehicle detection using multimodal imaging sensors from a moving platform,
CN Dickson, AM Wallace, M Kitchin, B Connor, Proc. SPIE 8541, Electro-Optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications IX, 854112 (2012)
The Gas-Phase Equilibrium Structures of Si8O12(OSiMe3)8 and Si8O12(CHCH2)8,
DA Wann, CN Dickson, PD Lickiss, HE Robertson, DWH Rankin, Inorganic Chemistry, 50(7), 2011, 2988-2994
Publication resulting from work on Masters project at the University of Edinburgh