wel008 Smart MicroDevice Group website! 






Smart Microdevices Group was established in Sept 2007. Click Here you can find our SMART members.


Group Leader: Dr. Richard (Yongqing) Fu


Lecturer on Micromachining and Bioengineering


Contact Information

·        E-mail: R.Y.Fu@hw.ac.uk


Room: NS 2.28

Department of Mechanical Engineering

School of Engineering and Physical Sciences,

Heriot-Watt University

Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, UK


·        Telephone: +44 (0)131 451 4381


·        Fax: +44 (0)131 451 3129


·        About group’s research work, pls. click here.


·        About group’s publications, pls. click here.


·        About group’s new jobs, pls. click here.


·        About Dr. Fu’s teaching and other academic activities Pls. Click here



Highlight of Recent news



1.        From Feb 2011, Dr. Fu is now a Reader in Thin Film Centre in University of the West of Scotland. www.thinfilmcentre.co.uk. Some equipment in Thin Film Centre can be found from here.


It was a wonderful experience for Smart Microdevice Group during the past three years:

·         The small group has once had 7 research members in total (excluding MSc or BSc students of course).

·         We have obtained various research funding from different resources (PI and mainly Co-I together for millions of pounds)

·         We have contributed an excellent research output for the University (although being a small group)!! In the past three years: we have two books, three edited journal issues, five book chapters, 20 journal papers, and about 15 conference papers.

·         Dr. Fu was nominated in shortlists for Teaching Oscar Award from students in 2010.

·         Dr. Fu has been listed in Who is Who is the World 2009.

·         Group members have obtained various awards!

·         We have successfully organized two “Scientific Photography Competition” in university. 


2.         May 2011, Dr. Fu has visited four universities in China, and gave an invited talk in an International Conference on Surface Engineering in Xi’an, where he is one of the co-organizers.


3.         May 2011, Congratulation to Dr. Bin Xu, Who has successfully passed his viva!


4.         April 2011: Congratulation to Mansuor Alghane, who published his second journal paper in J. Appl. Phys.!


5.         April 2011: Congratulation to Alasdair McKean, a final year student worked in our group, who won the best project presentation!


6.         March 2011: H-Index of Dr. Fu’s publications is now: 23 (which means at least 23 papers have been cited by 23 times)!


7.         Feb 2011: our paper has been accepted as oral presentation in prestigious MEMS conference of Transducer 2011, held in Beijing, China. Good work of Yifan, Stuart and Mansuor!!


8.         Jan 2011: Top 25 hottest downloaded paper! (with citation of 13 already within one year)


Y.Q. Fu, J.K. Luo, X. Du, A.J. Flewitt, Y. Li, A. Walton, W.I. Milne, Recent developments in ZnO films for acoustic wave based bio-sensing and microfluidic applications, Sens. Actuat. B. 2010 (impact factor: 3.122).


Oct-Dec 2010: Top 23

July-Sept 2010: Top 17

Jan-March 2010: Top 9                                                   


9.        Jan 2011. Top 25 hottest downloaded paper again after its publication for 7 years!


My 2004 paper in Sensors and Actuators is still the No. 20 of most popular 25 hottest papers!

Yongqing Fu, Hejun Du, Weimin Huang, Sam Zhang, Hu Min, TiNi based thin films in MEMS applications: a review, Sensors & Actuators A, 112 (2-3) : 395-408 (2004)

Citation: 174  (from SCI)

·              4th Quarter 2010 Top 20

·              3rd Quarter 2010 Top 20

·              2nd Quarter 2010 Top 14

·              1st Quarter 2010 Top14

·              4th Quarter 2009 Top 10

·              3rd Quarter 2009 Top 14

·              4th Quarter 2008 Top25

·              2nd Quarter 2008 Top25

·              4th Quarter 2007 Top24

·              3rd Quarter 2007 Top 24;

·              4th Quarter 2006 Top 20;

·              4th Quarter 2005 Top 15;

·              2nd Quarter 2005 Top 2;

·              1st Quarter 2005 Top 4

·              4th Quarter 2004 Top 4;

·              3rd Quarter 2004 Top 1.


10.      Jan 2011: A new paper published on texture and trenches on the TiNiCu shape memory films:



11.      Jan 2011: Dr. Fu chaired a session in the conference of “AMN - APLOC 2011”, the joint conference on Advances in Microfluidics and Nanofluidics and Asian-Pacific International Symposium on Lab on Chip, and gave a talk on “Surface acoustic wave based Lab-on-chip device”.


12.      Dec 2010 to Jan 2011: With the support of research project from Royal Academy of Engineering, Dr. Fu visited about eight universities in China, and gave three invited talks, and make new collaboration links. Dr. Fu was also invited to visit and give an invited talk in Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.


13.      Dec 2010: Mansuor’s first journal paper has been published: by J. Micromech Microeng (impact factor: 2.33):. Congratulation for his hard work! http://stacks.iop.org/0960-1317/21/015005

M. Alghane, B. X. Chen, Y.Q. Fu, Y. Li, J. K. Luo, and A.J. Walton, Experimental and numerical investigation of acoustic streaming excited by using a surface acoustic wave device on a 128º YX-LiNbO3 substrate, J. Micromech. Microeng. 21 (2011) 015005.


14.      Nov 2010: Dr. Fu has been invited and finished to write a book chapter on “Microgripper for bioMEMS applications” Chapter 7, in Book of “MEMS for biological Applications”, Wood Head Publishers, 2011.


15.       Nov 2010: A book chapter published: Y.Q. Fu, J. S. Cherng, et al, Chapter 12, Aluminium nitride thin film acoustic wave devices for microfluidic and biosensing applications, in Acoustic Waves, Edited by Don W. Dissanayake, Sciyo Publisher, 2010, ISBN 978-953-307-111-4. 


16.      Oct 2010. Congratulation to Bin Xu, who won second year PhD research Prize!


17.      Oct 2010. Congratulation to Stuart Brodie, who obtained first year PhD research prize!


18.      Oct 2010. Congratulation to our former group member, Ms Yan Feng, who obtained first year PhD research prize!


19.      Aug. 2010. Prof. Xiaotao Zu from Electronic Science and Technology of China, Prof. Tianling Ren and Prof. Yi Yang from Tsinghua University, China and Prof. Jyh-Shiarn Cherng from Mingchi University, Taiwan visited our group.  


20.      July 2010. Dr. Fu, Prof. Markx, Prof. Anthony Walton, and Dr. Yifan Li visited Tsinghua University (Prof. T. Ren), Harbin Institute of Technology (Prof. X He and Prof. Y Li) and Xian Jiaotong University (Prof. K. Xu), and gave many invited talks.


21.      July 2010, Dr. Fu organized a symposium on Shape Memory Thin Films in the 7th International Conference on Advanced Thin Films and Surface coating, held in 11th to 14th July 2010, Harbin, China.  


22.      June 2010: Book Chapter Published!!  Y.Q. Fu. Chapter 15 Duplex Surface Treatment of Light Alloys, in Book of “Surface Engineering of Light Alloys” Edited by H. Dong and published by CRC/Woodhead Publisher 2010, pp 501-540.  


23.      June 2010: Congratulation to Mr. Ding Wang, who has won EPSRC summer internship from School of EPS to study on “Smart Nanocomposite Microsurgery Tools”.


24.      May 2010. Dr. Fu and Prof. Markx visited Taiwan and gave three invited talks in Mingchi University, Taitung University, and visited National Central university and National University of Science and Technology. 


25.      May 2010, Dr. Fu and B Xu, W. Chang, G Hao successfully organized HWU-EPS Photo-Competition, and the news has been published in newspaper: Edinburgh Evening News (May 18 2010). More details can be found from: http://www.eps.hw.ac.uk/~ryf1/HWU%20photocompetition.htm



26.      May 2010: Dr. Fu received Larger Grant from Carnegie Trust Funding for project of “Demonstration of the feasibility of integrating AlN film with a range of advanced digital microfluidic lab-on-chip technologies”.


27.      May 2010: Congratulation to Stuart Brodie, who received 2010 RSE/J M Lessells Scholarship for collaboration with Prof. A. Wixforth from University of Ausburg, Germany, who is a world leader in surface acoustic wave microfluidics. http://www.news.hw.ac.uk/news/5492-PhD_student_wins_the_JM_Lessels_Scholarship_Award


28.      April 2010: Congratulation to Stephen Tillie, our final year project student, who has won the best BEng Project presentation in Department of Mech Engng!


29.      April 2010: Dr. Fu received “Major Awards” from “The Royal Academy of Engineering Research Exchanges with China and India Schemeto focus his work on “Nanocomposite Shape memory polymer for microsurgery applications”. Collaborator is Prof. X.T.Zu from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.


30.      March 2010: Dr. Fu received “Research Grant” from Royal Society to focus his work on “Thin Films based Lab-on-chip”


31.      Feb 2010: Dr. Fu received “International Exchange Award” from Royal Society of Edinburgh to collaborate with researchers from Taiwan (Prof. Cherng in Mingchi University of Technology and Prof. Shu from National Taiwan University)


32.       Dec 2009: A 1.5 million pounds research boost! Dr. Fu is a Co-Investigator in an EPSRC/IeMRC Research Funding. More can be found from this website: http://imnssm.eng.ed.ac.uk/


33.       Nov 2009: Dr. Fu was granted with “Scotland-China Higher Education Partnership Project” (with Prof. X.D. He from Harbin Institute of Technology, China).


34.       Oct. 2009: Congratulation to Ben! His new paper is accepted by J. Mater. Chemistry (impact factor: 4.65):

B. Xu, Y.Q. Fu, M. Ahmad, J. K. Luo, W.M. Huang, A. Kraft, R. Reuben, Y.T. Pei, Z.G. Chen, J.Th.M. De Hosson, Thermo-mechanical properties of polystyrene-based shape memory nanocomposites, J. Mater Chem., 2010.


35.       Oct 2009: Dr. Fu is invited as Guest Editor on a topic of Special Issue "Novel Stimuli-Responsive (co)Polymers" for Journal of Polymers: Welcome to submit your paper on smart polymers!


36.      Sept 2009: Book Published! S. Miyazaki, Y. Q. Fu, W. M. Huang, Book of “Thin Film Shape Memory Alloys: Fundamentals and Device Applications”, Cambridge University Press, 2009. ISBN 9780521 885768. total pp.590.






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