// Bloomenthal.cpp: Bloomenthal // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "Bloomenthal.h" #include "Mesh.h" using namespace polygonizer; //static INTLISTS *cubetable[256]; static struct Bloomenthal::intlists *cubetable[256]; /* edge: LB, LT, LN, LF, RB, RT, RN, RF, BN, BF, TN, TF */ static int corner1[12] = {LBN,LTN,LBN,LBF,RBN,RTN,RBN,RBF,LBN,LBF,LTN,LTF}; static int corner2[12] = {LBF,LTF,LTN,LTF,RBF,RTF,RTN,RTF,RBN,RBF,RTN,RTF}; static int leftface[12] = {B, L, L, F, R, T, N, R, N, B, T, F}; /* face on left when going corner1 to corner2 */ static int rightface[12] = {L, T, N, L, B, R, R, F, B, F, N, T}; /* face on right when going corner1 to corner2 */ Bloomenthal::Bloomenthal() { } Bloomenthal::~Bloomenthal() { } double Bloomenthal::torus(double x, double y, double z) { double x2 = x*x, y2 = y*y, z2 = z*z; double a = x2+y2+z2+(0.5*0.5)-(0.1*0.1); return a*a-4.0*(0.5*0.5)*(y2+z2); } double Bloomenthal::sphere(double x, double y, double z) { double rsq = x*x+y*y+z*z; return 1.0/(rsq < 0.00001? 0.00001 : rsq); } double Bloomenthal::blob(double x, double y, double z) { return 4.0-sphere(x+1.0,y,z)-sphere(x,y+1.0,z)-sphere(x,y,z+1.0); } int Bloomenthal::triproc(int i1, int i2, int i3, VERTICES vertices) { gvertices = vertices; gntris++; if(gntris%100 == 0) printf("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b %d tiriangles", gntris); fprintf(tri_file, "%d %d %d\n", i1, i2, i3); return 1; } /**** An Implicit Surface Polygonizer ****/ /* polygonize: polygonize the implicit surface function * arguments are: * double function (x, y, z) * double x, y, z (an arbitrary 3D point) * the implicit surface function * return negative for inside, positive for outside * double size * width of the partitioning cube * int bounds * max. range of cubes (+/- on the three axes) from first cube * double x, y, z * coordinates of a starting point on or near the surface * may be defaulted to 0., 0., 0. * int triproc (i1, i2, i3, vertices) * int i1, i2, i3 (indices into the vertex array) * VERTICES vertices (the vertex array, indexed from 0) * called for each triangle * the triangle coordinates are (for i = i1, i2, i3): * vertices.ptr[i].position.x, .y, and .z * vertices are ccw when viewed from the out (positive) side * in a left-handed coordinate system * vertex normals point outwards * return 1 to continue, 0 to abort * int mode * TET: decompose cube and polygonize six tetrahedra * NOTET: polygonize cube directly * returns error or NULL */ char* Bloomenthal::polygonize(char* out_file, double size, float bounds[6], double x, double y, double z, int mode) { gntris = 0; ver_file = fopen(VERFILE, "w"); tri_file = fopen(TRIFILE, "w"); PROCESS p; int n, noabort; //CORNER *setcorner(); TEST1 *in, *out;// find(); //p.function = this->function;//function; //p.triproc = triproc; p.size = size; //p.bounds = bounds; p.boundsX1 = bounds[0]; p.boundsX2 = bounds[1]; p.boundsY1 = bounds[2]; p.boundsY2 = bounds[3]; p.boundsZ1 = bounds[4]; p.boundsZ2 = bounds[5]; p.delta = size/(double)(RES*RES); /* allocate hash tables and build cube polygon table: */ p.centers = (CENTERLIST **) mycalloc(HASHSIZE,sizeof(CENTERLIST *)); p.corners = (CORNERLIST **) mycalloc(HASHSIZE,sizeof(CORNERLIST *)); p.edges = (EDGELIST **) mycalloc(2*HASHSIZE,sizeof(EDGELIST *)); makecubetable(); /* find point on surface, beginning search at (x, y, z): */ srand(1); in = find1(1, &p, x, y, z); out = find1(0, &p, x, y, z); if (!in->ok || !out->ok) return "can't find starting point"; converge(&in->p, &out->p, in->value, &p.start); delete in; delete out; /* push initial cube on stack: */ p.cubes = (CUBES *) mycalloc(1, sizeof(CUBES)); /* list of 1 */ p.cubes->cube.i = p.cubes->cube.j = p.cubes->cube.k = 0; p.cubes->next = NULL; /* set corners of initial cube: */ for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) p.cubes->cube.corners[n] = setcorner1(&p, BIT(n,2), BIT(n,1), BIT(n,0)); p.vertices.count = p.vertices.max = 0; /* no vertices yet */ p.vertices.ptr = NULL; setcenter(p.centers, 0, 0, 0); while (p.cubes != NULL) { /* process active cubes till none left */ CUBE c; CUBES *temp = p.cubes; c = p.cubes->cube; noabort = mode == TET? /* either decompose into tetrahedra and polygonize: */ dotet(&c, LBN, LTN, RBN, LBF, &p) && dotet(&c, RTN, LTN, LBF, RBN, &p) && dotet(&c, RTN, LTN, LTF, LBF, &p) && dotet(&c, RTN, RBN, LBF, RBF, &p) && dotet(&c, RTN, LBF, LTF, RBF, &p) && dotet(&c, RTN, LTF, RTF, RBF, &p) : /* or polygonize the cube directly: */ docube(&c, &p); if (! noabort) return "aborted"; /* pop current cube from stack */ p.cubes = p.cubes->next; free((char *) temp); /* test six face directions, maybe add to stack: */ testface(c.i-1, c.j, c.k, &c, L, LBN, LBF, LTN, LTF, &p); testface(c.i+1, c.j, c.k, &c, R, RBN, RBF, RTN, RTF, &p); testface(c.i, c.j-1, c.k, &c, B, LBN, LBF, RBN, RBF, &p); testface(c.i, c.j+1, c.k, &c, T, LTN, LTF, RTN, RTF, &p); testface(c.i, c.j, c.k-1, &c, N, LBN, LTN, RBN, RTN, &p); testface(c.i, c.j, c.k+1, &c, F, LBF, LTF, RBF, RTF, &p); for(n=0; n<8; n++) free((char *)c.corners[n]); } //free int i; for(i=0; inext; free((char*)current); } } free((char*)p.centers); for(i=0; inext; free((char*)current); } } free((char*)p.corners); for(i=0; i<2*HASHSIZE; i++){ while(p.edges[i] != NULL){ EDGELIST* current = p.edges[i]; p.edges[i] = current->next; free((char*)current); } } free((char*)p.edges); //out int vertex_N = gvertices.count; int face_N = gntris; fclose(ver_file); fclose(tri_file); ver_file = fopen(VERFILE, "r"); tri_file = fopen(TRIFILE, "r"); FILE* mesh_file = fopen(out_file, "w"); fprintf(mesh_file, "%d\n%d\n", vertex_N, face_N); for(i=0; icubes; //CORNER *setcorner(); static int facebit[6] = {2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0}; int n, pos = old->corners[c1]->value > 0.0 ? 1 : 0, bit = facebit[face]; /* test if no surface crossing, cube out of bounds, or already visited: */ if ((old->corners[c2]->value > 0) == pos && (old->corners[c3]->value > 0) == pos && (old->corners[c4]->value > 0) == pos) return; //if (abs(i) > p->bounds || abs(j) > p->bounds || abs(k) > p->bounds) return; float size = p->size; if(i*size + p->start.x > p->boundsX1 || i*size + p->start.x < p->boundsX2 || j*size + p->start.y > p->boundsY1 || j*size + p->start.y < p->boundsY2 || k*size + p->start.z > p->boundsZ1 || k*size + p->start.z < p->boundsZ2) return; if (setcenter(p->centers, i, j, k)) return; /* create new cube: */ new1.i = i; new1.j = j; new1.k = k; /* for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) new1.corners[n] = NULL; new1.corners[FLIP(c1, bit)] = old->corners[c1]; new1.corners[FLIP(c2, bit)] = old->corners[c2]; new1.corners[FLIP(c3, bit)] = old->corners[c3]; new1.corners[FLIP(c4, bit)] = old->corners[c4];*/ for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) //if (new1.corners[n] == NULL) new1.corners[n] = setcorner1(p, i+BIT(n,2), j+BIT(n,1), k+BIT(n,0)); /*add cube to top of stack: */ p->cubes = (CUBES *) mycalloc(1, sizeof(CUBES)); p->cubes->cube = new1; p->cubes->next = oldcubes; } /* setcorner: return corner with the given lattice location set (and cache) its function value */ Bloomenthal::CORNER * Bloomenthal::setcorner1(PROCESS *p, int i, int j, int k) { /* for speed, do corner value caching here */ CORNER *c = (CORNER *) mycalloc(1, sizeof(CORNER)); int index = HASH(i, j, k); CORNERLIST *l = p->corners[index]; c->i = i; c->x = p->start.x+((double)i-.5)*p->size; c->j = j; c->y = p->start.y+((double)j-.5)*p->size; c->k = k; c->z = p->start.z+((double)k-.5)*p->size; for (; l != NULL; l = l->next) if (l->i == i && l->j == j && l->k == k) { c->value = l->value; return c; } l = (CORNERLIST *) mycalloc(1, sizeof(CORNERLIST)); l->i = i; l->j = j; l->k = k; l->value = c->value = function(c->x, c->y, c->z); l->next = p->corners[index]; p->corners[index] = l; return c; } /* find: search for point with value of given sign (0: neg, 1: pos) */ Bloomenthal::TEST1* Bloomenthal::find1(int sign1, PROCESS *p, double x, double y, double z) { int i; TEST1* test = new TEST1; double range = p->size; test->ok = 1; for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { test->p.x = x+range*(RAND()-0.5); test->p.y = y+range*(RAND()-0.5); test->p.z = z+range*(RAND()-0.5); test->value = function(test->p.x, test->p.y, test->p.z); if (sign1 == (test->value > 0.0)) return test; range = range*1.0005; /* slowly expand search outwards */ } test->ok = 0; return test; } /**** Tetrahedral Polygonization ****/ /* dotet: triangulate the tetrahedron * b, c, d should appear clockwise when viewed from a * return 0 if client aborts, 1 otherwise */ int Bloomenthal::dotet(CUBE *cube, int c1, int c2, int c3, int c4, PROCESS *p) { CORNER *a = cube->corners[c1]; CORNER *b = cube->corners[c2]; CORNER *c = cube->corners[c3]; CORNER *d = cube->corners[c4]; int index = 0, apos, bpos, cpos, dpos, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6; if (apos = (a->value > 0.0)) index += 8; if (bpos = (b->value > 0.0)) index += 4; if (cpos = (c->value > 0.0)) index += 2; if (dpos = (d->value > 0.0)) index += 1; /* index is now 4-bit number representing one of the 16 possible cases */ if (apos != bpos) e1 = vertid(a, b, p); if (apos != cpos) e2 = vertid(a, c, p); if (apos != dpos) e3 = vertid(a, d, p); if (bpos != cpos) e4 = vertid(b, c, p); if (bpos != dpos) e5 = vertid(b, d, p); if (cpos != dpos) e6 = vertid(c, d, p); /* 14 productive tetrahedral cases (0000 and 1111 do not yield polygons */ switch (index) { case 1: return triproc(e5, e6, e3, p->vertices); case 2: return triproc(e2, e6, e4, p->vertices); case 3: return triproc(e3, e5, e4, p->vertices) && triproc(e3, e4, e2, p->vertices); case 4: return triproc(e1, e4, e5, p->vertices); case 5: return triproc(e3, e1, e4, p->vertices) && triproc(e3, e4, e6, p->vertices); case 6: return triproc(e1, e2, e6, p->vertices) && triproc(e1, e6, e5, p->vertices); case 7: return triproc(e1, e2, e3, p->vertices); case 8: return triproc(e1, e3, e2, p->vertices); case 9: return triproc(e1, e5, e6, p->vertices) && triproc(e1, e6, e2, p->vertices); case 10: return triproc(e1, e3, e6, p->vertices) && triproc(e1, e6, e4, p->vertices); case 11: return triproc(e1, e5, e4, p->vertices); case 12: return triproc(e3, e2, e4, p->vertices) && triproc(e3, e4, e5, p->vertices); case 13: return triproc(e6, e2, e4, p->vertices); case 14: return triproc(e5, e3, e6, p->vertices); } return 1; } /**** Cubical Polygonization (optional) ****/ /* docube: triangulate the cube directly, without decomposition */ int Bloomenthal::docube(CUBE *cube, PROCESS *p) { INTLISTS *polys; int i, index = 0; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) if (cube->corners[i]->value > 0.0) index += (1<next) { INTLIST *edges; int a = -1, b = -1, count = 0; for (edges = polys->list; edges; edges = edges->next) { CORNER *c1 = cube->corners[corner1[edges->i]]; CORNER *c2 = cube->corners[corner2[edges->i]]; int c = vertid(c1, c2, p); if (++count > 2 && ! triproc(a, b, c, p->vertices)) return 0; if (count < 3) a = b; b = c; } } return 1; } /* nextcwedge: return next clockwise edge from given edge around given face */ int Bloomenthal::nextcwedge(int edge, int face) { switch (edge) { case LB: return (face == L)? LF : BN; case LT: return (face == L)? LN : TF; case LN: return (face == L)? LB : TN; case LF: return (face == L)? LT : BF; case RB: return (face == R)? RN : BF; case RT: return (face == R)? RF : TN; case RN: return (face == R)? RT : BN; case RF: return (face == R)? RB : TF; case BN: return (face == B)? RB : LN; case BF: return (face == B)? LB : RF; case TN: return (face == T)? LT : RN; case TF: return (face == T)? RT : LF; default: return 0; } } /* otherface: return face adjoining edge that is not the given face */ int Bloomenthal::otherface(int edge, int face) { int other = leftface[edge]; return face == other? rightface[edge] : other; } /* makecubetable: create the 256 entry table for cubical polygonization */ void Bloomenthal::makecubetable() { static int visited = 0; if (visited) return; visited = 1; int i, e, c, done[12], pos[8]; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { for (e = 0; e < 12; e++) done[e] = 0; for (c = 0; c < 8; c++) pos[c] = BIT(i, c); for (e = 0; e < 12; e++) if (!done[e] && (pos[corner1[e]] != pos[corner2[e]])) { INTLIST *ints = 0; INTLISTS *lists = (INTLISTS *) mycalloc(1, sizeof(INTLISTS)); int start = e, edge = e; /* get face that is to right of edge from pos to neg corner: */ int face = pos[corner1[e]]? rightface[e] : leftface[e]; while (1) { edge = nextcwedge(edge, face); done[edge] = 1; if (pos[corner1[edge]] != pos[corner2[edge]]) { INTLIST *tmp = ints; ints = (INTLIST *) mycalloc(1, sizeof(INTLIST)); ints->i = edge; ints->next = tmp; /* add edge to head of list */ if (edge == start) break; face = otherface(edge, face); } } lists->list = ints; /* add ints to head of table entry */ lists->next = cubetable[i]; cubetable[i] = lists; } } } /**** Storage ****/ /* mycalloc: return successful calloc or exit program */ char * Bloomenthal::mycalloc(int nitems, int nbytes) { char *ptr = (char*)calloc(nitems, nbytes); if (ptr != NULL) return ptr; fprintf(stderr, "can't calloc %d bytes\n", nitems*nbytes); exit(1); } /* setcenter: set (i,j,k) entry of table[] * return 1 if already set; otherwise, set and return 0 */ int Bloomenthal::setcenter(CENTERLIST *table[], int i, int j, int k) { int index = HASH(i, j, k); CENTERLIST *new1, *l, *q = table[index]; for (l = q; l != NULL; l = l->next) if (l->i == i && l->j == j && l->k == k) return 1; new1 = (CENTERLIST *) mycalloc(1, sizeof(CENTERLIST)); new1->i = i; new1->j = j; new1->k = k; new1->next = q; table[index] = new1; return 0; } /* setedge: set vertex id for edge */ void Bloomenthal::setedge(EDGELIST *table[], int i1, int j1, int k1, int i2, int j2, int k2, int vid) { unsigned int index; EDGELIST *new1; if (i1>i2 || (i1==i2 && (j1>j2 || (j1==j2 && k1>k2)))) { int t=i1; i1=i2; i2=t; t=j1; j1=j2; j2=t; t=k1; k1=k2; k2=t; } index = HASH(i1, j1, k1) + HASH(i2, j2, k2); new1 = (EDGELIST *) mycalloc(1, sizeof(EDGELIST)); new1->i1 = i1; new1->j1 = j1; new1->k1 = k1; new1->i2 = i2; new1->j2 = j2; new1->k2 = k2; new1->vid = vid; new1->next = table[index]; table[index] = new1; } /* getedge: return vertex id for edge; return -1 if not set */ int Bloomenthal::getedge(EDGELIST *table[], int i1, int j1, int k1, int i2, int j2, int k2) { EDGELIST *q; if (i1>i2 || (i1==i2 && (j1>j2 || (j1==j2 && k1>k2)))) { int t=i1; i1=i2; i2=t; t=j1; j1=j2; j2=t; t=k1; k1=k2; k2=t; }; q = table[HASH(i1, j1, k1)+HASH(i2, j2, k2)]; for (; q != NULL; q = q->next) if (q->i1 == i1 && q->j1 == j1 && q->k1 == k1 && q->i2 == i2 && q->j2 == j2 && q->k2 == k2) return q->vid; return -1; } /**** Vertices ****/ /* vertid: return index for vertex on edge: * c1->value and c2->value are presumed of different sign * return saved index if any; else compute vertex and save */ int Bloomenthal::vertid(CORNER *c1, CORNER *c2, PROCESS *p) { VERTEX v; POINT1 a, b; int vid = getedge(p->edges, c1->i, c1->j, c1->k, c2->i, c2->j, c2->k); if (vid != -1) return vid; /* previously computed */ a.x = c1->x; a.y = c1->y; a.z = c1->z; b.x = c2->x; b.y = c2->y; b.z = c2->z; double x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, f1, f2; if(c1->value > 0){ f1 = c1->value; x1 = c1->x; y1 = c1->y; z1 = c1->z; f2 = c2->value; x2 = c2->x; y2 = c2->y; z2 = c2->z; } else{ f1 = c2->value; x1 = c2->x; y1 = c2->y; z1 = c2->z; f2 = c1->value; x2 = c1->x; y2 = c1->y; z2 = c1->z; } //Repeated Linear Interpolation double x, y, z, f; for(int i=0; i<10; i++){ double w1 = fabs(f1); double w2 = fabs(f2); x = (w2*x1 + w1*x2)/(w1+w2); y = (w2*y1 + w1*y2)/(w1+w2); z = (w2*z1 + w1*z2)/(w1+w2); break; f = function(x,y,z); if(fabs(f) < 0.00001) break; if(f > 0){ f1 = f; x1 = x; y1 = y; z1 = z; } else{ f2 = f; x2 = x; y2 = y; z2 = z; } } v.position.x = x; v.position.y = y; v.position.z = z; //converge(&a, &b, c1->value, &v.position); /* position */ //vnormal(&v.position, p, &v.normal); /* normal */ addtovertices(&p->vertices, v); /* save vertex */ vid = p->vertices.count-1; setedge(p->edges, c1->i, c1->j, c1->k, c2->i, c2->j, c2->k, vid); return vid; } /* addtovertices: add v to sequence of vertices */ void Bloomenthal::addtovertices(VERTICES *vertices, VERTEX v) { fprintf(ver_file, "%f %f %f\n", v.position.x, v.position.y, v.position.z); vertices->count++; /* if(vertices->count == vertices->max) { int i; VERTEX *new1; vertices->max = vertices->count == 0 ? 10 : 2*vertices->count; new1 = (VERTEX *) mycalloc((unsigned) vertices->max, sizeof(VERTEX)); for (i = 0; i < vertices->count; i++) new1[i] = vertices->ptr[i]; if (vertices->ptr != NULL) free((char *)vertices->ptr); vertices->ptr = new1; } vertices->ptr[vertices->count++] = v; }*/ } /* vnormal: compute unit length surface normal at point */ void Bloomenthal::vnormal(POINT1 *point, PROCESS *p, POINT1 *v) { double f = function(point->x, point->y, point->z); v->x = function(point->x+p->delta, point->y, point->z)-f; v->y = function(point->x, point->y+p->delta, point->z)-f; v->z = function(point->x, point->y, point->z+p->delta)-f; f = sqrt(v->x*v->x + v->y*v->y + v->z*v->z); if (f != 0.0) {v->x /= f; v->y /= f; v->z /= f;} } /* converge: from two points of differing sign, converge to zero crossing */ void Bloomenthal::converge(POINT1 *p1, POINT1 *p2, double v, POINT1 *p) { int i = 0; POINT1 pos, neg; if (v < 0) { pos.x = p2->x; pos.y = p2->y; pos.z = p2->z; neg.x = p1->x; neg.y = p1->y; neg.z = p1->z; } else { pos.x = p1->x; pos.y = p1->y; pos.z = p1->z; neg.x = p2->x; neg.y = p2->y; neg.z = p2->z; } while (1) { p->x = 0.5*(pos.x + neg.x); p->y = 0.5*(pos.y + neg.y); p->z = 0.5*(pos.z + neg.z); if (i++ == RES) return; if ((function(p->x, p->y, p->z)) > 0.0) {pos.x = p->x; pos.y = p->y; pos.z = p->z;} else {neg.x = p->x; neg.y = p->y; neg.z = p->z;} } } double Bloomenthal::function(double x, double y, double z) { return func->value(x,y,z); }