2007 |
Y. Petillot, S. Reed, E.
Coiras and J. Bell, A framework for evaluating underwater Mine detection and
classification algorithms using augmented reality, IEEE journal of Oceanic
Engineering, Accepted for publication 2006. |
Clement Petres, Yan Pailhas,
Pedro Patron, Yvan Petillot, Jonathan Evans and Dave Lane, Path Planning for
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, to appear,
April 2007. |
E. Coiras, Y.
Petillot and D. Lane, Multi-Resolution 3D Reconstruction
from Side-Scan Sonar Images, Accepted for publication, IEEE
Transactions on Image Processing, Volume 16, Issue
2, Feb. 2007 |
C. Haworth , Y. De Saint-Pern, D. Clark, Y. Petillot, E. Trucco
Public Security Screening for Metallic Objects with Millimetre-wave images.
International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 71, no. 2, pp. 183-196, February
2007. |
2006 |
S Reed, I. Tena Ruiz, C. Capus and Y. Petillot, "The Fusion of Large Scale
Classified Side-scan Sonar Image Mosaics ", IEEE
Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 17, No 7, July 2006 |
C. D. Haworth,
Y. Petillot, E. Trucco, "Image Processing Techniques for
Metallic Object Detection with Millimetre-wave Images",
Pattern Recognition Letters,
Volume 27, Issue 15 , Pages
1843-1851. Special issue on Vision for Crime Detection and Prevention, November
2006. |
Lianantonakis and Y. Petillot, "Sidescan Sonar Segmentation using Texture
Descriptors and Active Contours", IEEE Journal of
Oceanic Engineering, October 2006. |
2005 |
B. Grafulla-Gonzalez , C.D. Haworth ,
A.R. Harvey , K. Lebart , Y. Petillot , Y. de Saint Pern ,
M. Tomsin , E. Trucco , "Millimetre-wave personnel scanners
for automated weapon detection", Pattern Recognition
and Image Analysis, Part 2, Proceedings of the lecture notes
in computer Science 3687:48-57, 2005. |
2004 |
I.Tena Ruiz, S. De Raucourt,
Y.Petillot and D.M.Lane, "Concurrent Mapping and Localisation using
Side-scan Sonar", IEEE journal of Oceanic Engineering,
Vol. 29, No 2, 442 - 456, April 2004. |
S. Reed, Y. Petillot,
J Bell, "Model-based approach to the detection and classification of mines in
sidescan sonar", Applied Optics Vol. 43 , No 2, 237-246, January 2004 |
S Reed, Y Petillot, J
Bell, "Automated approach to classification of mine-like objects in sidescan
sonar using highlight and shadow information", IEE Proceedings, Radar Sonar
and Navigation, Vol. 151, No 1, 48-56, February 2004 |
2003 |
S.Reed, Y.Petillot,
J.Bell, "An automated approach to the detection and extraction of mine
features in sidescan sonar”, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 28,
No1, 90-105, January 2003. |
2001 |
Y. Petillot,
I. Tena Ruiz, D. M. Lane, "Underwater Vehicle Obstacle Avoidance and Path
Planning Using a Multi-beam Forward Looking Sonar", IEEE Journal of Oceanic
Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 2, 240-251, April 2001. |
2000 |
Trucco, Y. Petillot, I. Tena Ruiz, C. Plakas, D. M. Lane, “Feature Tracking in
Video and Sonar Subsea Sequences with Applications”, Computer Vision and Image
Understanding, 79, 92-122, 2000. |
1997 |
J.L. de
Bougrenet de la Tocnaye, E. Quemener and Y. Petillot, “Composite versus multichannel
binary phase-only filtering”,
Applied Optics,
Sept 97,vol. 36, pp 6646.
L. Guibert, Y.
Petillot et J.-L. de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye,
“On-board experiments with a
joint transform correlator for real-time road-sign classification”,
Engineering 1997. |
1996 |
Y. Petillot, L.
Guibert et J.-L. de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye.
“Partially rotation
invariant composite filter for fingerprint pattern recognition”.
Communications vol. 126, pp 213-219, 1996. |
1995 |
T. D. Wilkinson,
Y. Petillot, R. J. Mears et J. L. de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye.
Scale-invariant optical
correlators using ferroelectric liquid-crystal spatial light modulators. Applied
Optics, vol. 34, pp. 1885-1890, 1995. |
Snyers et Y. Petillot. Image processing optimization by genetic algorithm with
a new coding scheme, Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 16, pp. 843-848, 1995. |
Y. Petillot, I. Tena Ruiz.
Applications of Sonar
technologies to survey and real-time monitoring of mining operations.
Report for Bernd Korndörfer Electronic Engineer Consultant. 24 pages. May 2000.
S.Reed and V.Myers. Mission planning and evaluation for minehunting AUVs with
sidescan sonar: Mixing real and simulated data, Report SR-447, NATO Undersea
Research Centre, La Spezia, Italy, Dec. 2005.
2006 |
Y. Petillot, S.
Reed, E. Coiras, "A Framework for evaluating underwater mine
detection and classification algorithms using augmented
reality", UDT Conference, To Appear 2006. |
2005 |
Grafulla-González, C. D. Haworth, A. R. Harvey, K.
Lebart, Y. R. Petillot, Y. De Saint-Pern, M. Tomsin and E.
Trucco, "Millimetre-wave Personnel Scanners for Automated
Weapon Detection", International Conference on Advances
in Pattern Recognition, LNCS 3687, pp. 48-57, August
2005, Bath (UK) |
Grafulla-González, M. Tomsin, K. Lebart and A. R.
Harvey, "Modelling of Millimetre-wave Personnel Scanners for
Automated Detection", Imaging for Crime Detection and
Prevention, IEE International Symposium, pp. 9-13,
London, June 2005 |
C. D. Haworth,
Y. De Saint-Pern, Y. Petillot, E. Trucco, "Public Security
Screening for Metallic Objects with Millimetre-wave Images",
Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention, IEE
International Symposium, pp. 1-4, London, June 2005 |
E. Coiras, Y.
Petillot, D M Lane, "Automatic Rectification of Side-scan Sonar Images",
Underwater Acoustic Measurements, Heraklion, Crete, June 2005 |
I. Tena Ruiz, Y.
Petillot, "Detection and Tracking of Pipes in Sonar Data
Underwater Acoustic Measurements", Heraklion, Crete, June 2005
E Coiras, Y
Petillot, D M Lane, "An Expectation-Maximization Framework for the Estimation of Bathymetry from
Side-scan Sonar Images",
Oceans 2005, Brest,
France, June 2005
S Reed,
I Tena Ruiz, C Capus, Y Petillot, "The Automatic Fusion of Classified Sidescan
Sonar Mosaics Using CML-RTS and Markov Random Fields", Oceans 2005, Brest,
France, June 2005 |
Petres, Y. Pailhas, Y. Petillot and D.M.Lane, "Underwater Path Planning Using
Fast Marching Algorithms", IEEE Oceans Europe 2005. Oceans Europe 2005, Brest,
France, June 2005.
Clark, J. Bell and Y. Petillot, "PHD Filter Tracking in Sonar Images", IEEE Oceans
Europe 2005, Brest, France, June 2005.
Lianantonakis, Y. Petillot, "Side-scan sonar segmentation
using active contours and level set methods", IEEE
Oceans Europe 2005, Brest, France, June 2005. |
B. Privat, G.
Voleau, K. Lebart, Y. Petillot, R. Leaper, J. Gordon, "Image
analysis for automating the post-processing of cetacean
sighting surveys data", IEEE Oceans Europe
2005, Brest, France, June 2005. |
Mignotte, M. Lianantonakis and Y. Petillot, Unsupervised registration of
textured images: applications to side-scan sonar. IEEE Oceans Europe 2005,
Brest, France, June 2005. |
2004 |
C. D. Haworth,
B. Grafulla-González, M. Tomsin, R. Appleby, P. Coward, A.
Harvey, K. Lebart, Y. Petillot, E. Trucco, "Image Analysis
for Object Detection in Millimetre-wave Images", vol 5619,
pp. 117-128, Optics/Photonics in Security and Defence,
SPIE, London, October 2004 |
E Coiras, I Tena
Ruiz, Y Petillot, D M Lane,
"Fusion of Multiple Side-scan
Sonar Views", Oceans
2004, Oct 2004-12-01 |
Y. Petillot, S. Reed,
I.Tena Ruiz, C. Capus, A Cormack, AUV Post Mission Analysis Tools. Conference
Sciences et Defense, SeaTech Week, Brest, October 2004. |
B Grafulla
Gonzalez, Y Petillot, C Smith
Detection and Classification of Trawling Marks in Sidescan Sonar Images
Advances in Technology for Underwater Vehicles (ATUV), Pages 137-146, Mar 2004
C Capus, I Tena
Ruiz, Y Petillot
Compensation for changing beam pattern and residual TVG effects with sonar
altitude for sidescan mosaicing and classification, Proceedings of the Seventh
European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, Jul 2004
M Arredondo, C
Capus, E Coiras, D M Lane, K Lebart, Y Petillot, I Tena Ruiz,
Registration, fusion and
classification of sonar and video data within the AMASON project,
32nd International
Geological Congress, Florence, Italy August 2004 |
Evans, D. Lane, P. Redmond, Y, Petillot, AUTOTRACKER – Field Trials and Results
of an AUV Pipeline Inspection System SUT International Workshop on Unmanned
Underwater Vehicles Sept 2004, Southampton Oceanography Centre |
2003 |
Evans, Y Petillot, P Redmond, S Reed and D Lane, AUTOTRACKER: Real-Time Pipeline
and Cable Tracking technologies for AUVs, Proceedings of Guidance and Control of
Underwater Vehicles (GCUV) 2003, IFAC Conference, Newport, Wales, April 2003 |
Evans, Y Petillot, P Redmond, M Wilson, D Lane, AUTOTRACKER: Real-Time
Architecture for Pipeline and Cable Tracking on AUVs, Proceedings of the 13th
International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology (UUST)New Hampshire, Aug 2003 |
I. Tena Ruiz, Y.
Petillot, D. M. Lane, Improved AUV navigation using side-scan sonar,
IEEE Oceans
Sept 2003 |
E Coiras, Y
Petillot, D M Lane, Bathymetric side-scan backscatter map restoration based on data fusion,
IEEE Oceans, Sept 2003 |
Evans, Y Petillot, P Redmond, M Wilson, D Lane, AUTOTRACKER: AUV embedded
control architecture for autonomous pipeline and cable tracking, IEEE Oceans 2003.
Proceedings Volume: 5,22-26, Pages:2651 - 2658 Vol.5, Sept 2003
I Tena Ruiz, Y
Petillot, D Lane, Building accurate large scale sidescan sonar mosaics using feature based
Proceedings from NATO
Naval Group 3 Symposium on Unmanned Systems for Mine Warfare, Oct 2003 |
I. Tena
Ruiz, Y. Petillot, D. M. Lane, A. Cormack, Large Scale Side-Scan Sonar Mosaics,
Maritime Reconnaissance for NATO's Recognized Environmental Picture (MREP).
Lerici, Italy. May 2003 |
Y.Petillot, J.Bell. “A model based approach to the detection and classification
of mines in sidescan sonar”. MTS/IEEE OCEANS Conference, San Diego, USA,
22nd-26th September 2003. |
Ruiz, S.Reed, Y.Petillot, J.Bell, D.M.Lane. “Concurrent Mapping and Localisation
using Side-scan sonar for autonomous navigation”. 13th Int. Symposium on
unmanned, untethered submersible technology (UUST03), New Hampshire, USA, August
2003. |
Y.Petillot, J.Bell. “A model based approach to the detection and classification
of mines in sidescan sonar”. Conf. on Maritime Reconnaissance for NATO’s
Recognised Environmental Picture (MREP), Lerici, Italy, 2003. |
2002 |
E.Dura, S.Reed, Y.Petillot, D.Lane. “Extraction and classification of objects
from sidescan sonar”. IEE Workshop on non-linear and non-gaussian signal
processing, 8th-9th July, 2002. |
Evans, D. Lane, Y. Petillot and S. Reed. “Docking and Tracking technologies for
AUVs”. Unmanned underwater vehicle showcase conference, Shouthampton, September
2002. |
Y.Petillot, S.Reed, J.Bell. “Real time AUV pipe detection and tracking using
side scan sonar and multi-beam echo sounder”. MTS/IEEE Oceans Conference.,
Mississippi USA, 29th-31st Oct, 2002. |
2001 |
Reed, Y. Petillot and J. Bell. “Unsupervised segmentation of object shadow and
highlight using Statistical Snakes”. GOATS 2000 Conference, SACLANT-CEN, August
2001 |
Reed, Y. Petillot and J. Bell. “Unsupervised mine detection in side-scan sonar:
a comparison of Markov Random Fields and Statistical Snakes”. CAD/CAC20001
Conference, HALIFAX, Canada. |
Petillot, K. Lebart, A. Cormack and D. Lane. “SeeTrack: a system for
post-mission analysis of AUV data products”. GOATS 2000 Conference, SACLANT-CEN,
August 2001, invited paper. |
Tena Ruiz, Y. Petillot, D. M. Lane, C. Salson. “Feature Extraction and Data
Association for AUV Concurrent Mapping and Localisation”. Proceedings of the
2001 IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation. Seoul, Korea. May 2001 |
2000 |
Tena Ruiz, Y. Petillot, D. M. Lane. “AUV Navigation Using a Forward Looking
Sonar”. Proceedings from UUV Symposium 2000. Newport, Rhode Island, USA. April
2000. |
Petillot, I. Tena Ruiz, D. M. Lane. “AUV Navigation Using a Forward Looking
Sonar”. Proceedings from Oceanology International 2000. Brighton, England. March
2000. |
1998 |
Petillot, I. Tena Ruiz, D. M. Lane, Y. Wang, E. Trucco, N. Pican. “Underwater
vehicle path planning using a multi-beam forward looking sonar”. Proceedings
from IEEE international conference OCEANS 98. Nice, France. September 1998.
Pican, E. Trucco, M. Ross, D. M. Lane, Y. Petillot and I Tena Ruiz. “Texture
analysis for seabed classification: Co-Occurence matrices versus Unsupervised
learning”. IEEE international Conference OCEANS 98, Nice, France, September 98. |
Older Stuff |
Petillot, G. Keryer et J.-L. de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye. “Real-time distortion
invariant JTC using FLC SLM's”. Invited Conference to SPIE Euro-American
conference on Optical Pattern Recognition, La Rochelle (FR)", June 1994.
Petillot and G. Keryer. “Filtres à apprentissage déterminés par voie optique
(JTC). Intégration des contraintes”. Club Opto-informatique, 18 juin 1993.
Keryer, Y. Petillot and J.L. de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye.
”Application de modulateurs spatiaux de lumiére à cristal liquide
ferroélectrique à la reconnaissance de panneaux de signalisation routière”.
Workshop on Optical Pattern Recognition, Paris, 22 June 1992. |
Petillot, G. Keryer et J.-L. de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye. “An optimal reference
filter study for an optical joint transform correlator”. Proceedings of the
French-Israeli Workshop on Optical Computing, Tel-Aviv(ISR), pp. 37-38, 1992.