E&M Links
Here are some interesting (hopefully!) links about electromagnetics. Let me know which ones are most interesting, and if you find others while browsing the web, let me know so they can be added to the list .
This page is intended to give you an idea of the incredibly wide array of applications of electromagnetics. No endorsements of the companies or groups is implied or intended.
University of Nottingham (Research Projects) http://www.nml.eee.nott.ac.uk/
University of Victoria virtual poster. Cool. http://www.wjrh.ece.uvic.ca/poster/asi.html
Anechoic chamber (see photolink) This is a specially insulated room so that EM waves do not reflect from the metal walls. It is used to measure antennas and other EM devices. http://www.ee.umanitoba.ca/~emweb/
Applications of EM http://www.ee.washington.edu/research/ersl/ersl.html
EM personalities (a bit of history) http://www.ee.umd.edu/~taylor/frame1.htm
EM and Health (see FAQ) http://emlib.jpl.nasa.gov/EMLIB/em_sites.html
Wireless Research http://wrg.ee.cornell.edu/projects/projects.html
FCC wireless telecommunications group http://www.fcc.gov/wtb/
University of Aukland Radio Systems Group http://www.ele.auckland.ac.nz/g/radio/home.html
Ansoft EM simulations http://www.ansoft.com/
Bioelectromagnetics http://www.cer.neu.edu/cer/bio.html
Bioelectromagnetics, etc. http://www.remcominc.com/
EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) http://www.emclab.umr.edu/emcdef.html
EM Spectrum http://observe.ivv.nasa.gov/nasa/education/reference/emspec/emspectrum.html
EM for Geophysics http://www.imagem.com/borehole.html
Bio-EM Applications http://www.bioelec.ece.uvic.ca/
Geotechnical http://www.geomodel.com/
Oceanographic http://faraday.whoi.edu/oemgroup.html
Radar Cross Section http://science.nas.nasa.gov/Pubs/TechSums/9293/119.html
Applications http://www.ee.washington.edu/research/ersl/research.html