Write a program to calculate an employees wages. They are paid at a basic rate of £6.65 hour, but are taxed at a rate of 23% and pay a pension contribution of 4% and pay a union subscription of 1.25 per week.
Write a program to read in the hours worked and calculate the take home weekly wages of the employee.
The structure of the program will take the following form:-
#include <iostream.h> // Declare constants main() { // declare variables // prompt user to enter number of hours worked and read in value // Calculate wages // output weekly wages }
We are told that the employee is paid 6.65 per hour is taxed at a rate of 23%, pays 4% pension contributions and a union fee of 1.25. We should make these values be constants - since they have been given to use. In addition, this makes it easier to change these values at a later date and if we use meaningful names will make the program easier to read. Therefore we will declare:-
const float hourly_rate = 6.65; const float tax_rate = 0.23; const float pension_rate = 0.04; const float union_fee = 1.25;
I have converted the percentages to floating point values, since for example 23% = 23/100 * value.
We are obviously going to require a variable to store the number of hours worked, which we will assume can be a fractional number of hours and therefore use a floating point value. We will also use variables for the gross_pay, pension, tax, deductions and total_pay. All of which will be floating point values.
float hours, gross_pay, tax, pension, deductions, total_pay;
We require to prompt the user to enter the number of hours worked and then read this into the variable hours .
cout << "Enter the number of hours worked \n"; cin >> hours;
There are a number of different ways this could be implemented. I have chosen here to do it in a number of different stages. Calculating initially the gross wages and then the deductions.
gross_pay = hours * hourly_rate; tax = gross_pay * tax_rate; pension = gross_pay * pension_rate; deductions = tax + pension + union_fee; total_pay = gross_pay - deductions;
Finally we have to output the result. This can be achieved by the statement
cout << "The total weekly pay is " << total_pay << "\n";
Total Program
#include <iostream.h> main() { // Declare constants const float hourly_rate = 6.65; const float tax_rate = 0.23; const float pension_rate = 0.04; const float union_fee = 1.25; //declare variables float hours, gross_pay, tax, pension, deductions, total_pay; //prompt user to enter number of hours worked and read in value cout << "Enter the number of hours worked \n"; cin >> hours; // Calculate wages gross_pay = hours * hourly_rate; tax = gross_pay * tax_rate; pension = gross_pay * pension_rate; deductions = tax + pension + union_fee; total_pay = gross_pay - deductions; // output weekly wages cout << "The total weekly pay is " << total_pay << "\n"; }
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