Yvan Petillot
Scientific Publications
E. Trucco, Y. Petillot, I. Tena-Ruiz, C. Plakas and D. M. Lane.
"On Video and Sonar tracking techniques for subsea robotics".
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, vol 89, pp
92-122. 2000
Y. Petillot, I. Tena-Ruiz, D. M. Lane.
"Underwater vehicle obstacle avoidance and path-planning using a multibeam forward
looking sonar".
Accepted for publication in the IEEE Journal of Oceanic
Engineering, June 2000.
J.L. de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye, E. Quemener and Y. Petillot.
"Composite versus multichannel binary phase-only filtering".
Applied Optics, Sept 97,vol. 36, pp 6646.
L. Guibert, Y. Petillot et J.-L. de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye.
"On-board experiments with a joint transform correlator for
real-time road-sign classification".
Optical Engineering 1997.
Y. Petillot, L. Guibert et J.-L. de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye.
"Partially rotation invariant composite filter for fingerprint
pattern recognition".
Optics Communications vol. 126, pp 213-219, 1996.
T. D. Wilkinson, Y. Petillot, R. J. Mears et J. L. de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye.
"Scale-invariant optical correlators using
ferroelectric liquid-crystal spatial light modulators".
Applied Optics, vol. 34, pp. 1885-1890, 1995.
D. Snyers et Y. Petillot.
"Image processing optimization by genetic algorithm with a new coding scheme".
Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 16, pp. 843-848, 1995.
Ioseba Tena Ruiz, Yvan Petillot and David Lane.
"AUV Navigation Using a Forward Looking Sonar".
Proceedings of Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Symposium, Rhodes
Island, April 2000.
Yvan Petillot, Ioseba Tena Ruiz and David Lane.
"AUV Navigation Using a Forward Looking Sonar".
Proceedings of OCEANOLOGY INTERNATIONAL 2000, Brighton, March
I. Tena-Ruiz, Y. Petillot and D. M. Lane.
"Tracking objects in underwater multibeam sonar images"
IEE Colloquium on motion analysis and tracking, London, May 1999.
N. Pican, E. Trucco, M. Ross, D. M. Lane, Y. Petillot and I Tena
"Texture analysis for seabed classification: Co-Occurence matrices versus
Unsupervised learning".
IEEE international Conference OCEANS 98, Nice, France, September 98.
Y. Petillot, I Tena Ruiz, D. M. Lane, Y. Wang, E. Trucco and N. Pican
" Underwater vehicle path planning using a multi beam forward
looking sonar".
Oceans'98 IEEE Conference, Nice, September 98.
Y. Petillot, G. Keryer et J.-L. de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye.
"An optimal reference filter study for an optical joint transform correlator".
Proc. French-Israeli Workshop on Optical Computing}, Tel-Aviv(ISR), pp. 37-38, 1992.
G. Keryer, Y. Petillot and J.L. de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye.
"Application de modulateurs spatiaux de lumiére à cristal liquide
ferroélectrique à la reconnaissance de panneaux de
signalisation routière".
Workshop on Optical Pattern Recognition, Paris, 22 June 1992.
Y. Petillot and G. Keryer.
"Filtres à apprentissage déterminés par voie optique (JTC).
Intégration des contraintes".
Club Opto-informatique, 18 juin 1993.
Y. Petillot, G. Keryer et J.-L. de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye.
"Real-time distortion invariant JTC using FLC SLM's".
Invited Conference to SPIE Euro-American
conference on Optical Pattern Recognition}, La Rochelle (FR)", june 1994.