Novel Ultrafast OPO Sources
Novel Ultrafast OPO Sources
Tuesday, 7 March 2006
The technique of quasi-phasematching allows nonlinear crystals to be made whose phasematching properties vary spatially, both across their apertures and along their length.
EPSRC project GR/N08735 aims to evaluate novel crystal designs and show that they can be used in a practical way to realise optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) which have high gain and pumping thresholds low enough to be compatible with diode-based femtosecond lasers.
Key approaches include:
(1)using aperiodically-poled (or “chirped”) crystals to artificially enhance the crystal bandwidth, making it possible to use longer crystals which offer higher gain
(2)"photon recycling” in which a double crystal containing two series sections with different phasematching properties recycles the redundant signal wave to increase the idler output of the OPO.
Quasi-phasematching is understood as follows:
After this length back-conversion occurs and the process repeats periodically.
Domain inversion is achieved by applying a high voltage across the crystal using a patterned electrode - “periodic poling”. The domain period determines which wavelengths are phasematched.
Femtosecond pulses have broad wavelength bandwidths and consequently, only short crystals may be used in femtosecond OPOs because those of excessive length show strong back-conversion and low gain.
Short crystals mean high thresholds, but it should be possible to reduce threshold values if the crystal bandwidth can be maintained for longer crystals.
When the idler is resonated, the wasted signal power can be recycled to pump a second crystal, also phasematched for the same idler wavelength, giving up to 2 idler photons for each incident pump photon.
Conventional idler-resonant OPO
Photon recycling idler-resonant OPO
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