Light Field Superresolution
[Light field image] |
[Light field (left) rearranged as multiple views] |
[Central view extracted from the light field] |
[Central view superresolved] |
Light field cameras have been recently shown to be very
effective in applications such as digital refocusing and 3D
reconstruction. In a single snapshot these cameras provide
a sample of the light field of a scene by trading off spatial
resolution with angular resolution. Current methods produce
images at a resolution that is much lower than that
of traditional imaging devices. However, by explicitly modeling
the image formation process and incorporating priors
such as Lambertianity and texture statistics, these types
of images can be reconstructed at a higher resolution. We
formulate this method in a variational Bayesian framework
and perform the reconstruction of both the surface of the
scene and the (superresolved) light field. The method is
demonstrated on both synthetic and real images captured
with our light-field camera prototype.
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We wish to thank Mohammad Taghizadeh and the
diffractive optics group at Heriot-Watt University for providing
us with the microlens arrays and for stimulating discussions,
and Mark Stewart for designing and building our
microlens array interface. This work has been supported by
EPSRC grant EP/F023073/1(P).
Last update: January 26 2009