Detecting surface curvature extreme curves — Alexander Belyaev
Alex will present his own work on detecting surface curvature extreme curves, described in the following two papers
Ohtake, Belyaev & Seidel
Ridge-valley lines on meshes via implicit surface fitting International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, ACM Siggraph, 2004 | article pdf | DOI
Yoshizawa, Belyaev, Yokota & Seidel
Fast and Faithful Geometric Algorithm for Detecting Crest Lines on Meshes Proceedings of the 15th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, 2007 | article pdf | DOI
- Articles discussed at 12:15pm on Fri 13 Jun 08, in Room G19/20, EMB.
- Presenter: Alexander Belyaev.
(Ridge-valley lines on meshes via implicit surface fitting)
We propose a simple and effective method for detecting view-and scale-independent ridge-valley lines defined via first- and second-order curvature derivatives on shapes approximated by dense triangle meshes. A high-quality estimation of high-order surface derivatives is achieved by combining multi-level implicit surface fitting and finite difference approximations. We demonstrate that the ridges and valleys are geometrically and perceptually salient surface features, and, therefore, can be potentially used for shape recognition, coding, and quality evaluation purposes.
(Fast and Faithful Geometric Algorithm for Detecting Crest Lines on Meshes )
A new geometry-based finite difference method for a fast and reliable detection of perceptually salient curvature extrema on surfaces approximated by dense triangle meshes is proposed. The foundations of the method are two simple curvature and curvature derivative formulas overlooked in modern differential geometry textbooks and seemingly new observation about inversion-invariant local surface-based differential forms.
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