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Matlab is now a standard professional tool for engineers involved in signal processing. It is a very easy to learn scientific programming language with a large set of libraries and demos. I would strongly recommend that you invest some time in learning the basics of Matlab. This will be useful throughout the year as it is used in various modules (including image processing). It will also enable you to explore signal processing in a more practical way through the extensive demos available. Matlab is available from any PC Caledonia Lab (2.52 for instance). You can also consider buying the student edition for around £60 + £40 per toolboxes (you will need the signal processing toolbox). To learn how to use Matlab, I would recommend that you have a look at the Matlab online documentation or download the short introduction from the online resources.

The following demos or files used in the class are available for download:


| Web Master: Yvan Petillot | Created : 05/10/2004 | Last Updated : 05/10/2004 | Location : Edinburgh Scotland |