S.K. Dadzie, (2025), Rheology of compressible and density-variable Newtonian flows:
non-Stokes hypothesis and 'volume diffusion',
Journal of Physics Communications 9, 025007,
D.A. Aji and S.K. Dadzie, (2024) Assessing the Economic and Health Impacts of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: A Multivariate Analysis,
International Journal of Environment and Climate Change 14, 12, 280-293
SK Dadzie,
A new dimension into Navier-Stokes
equations as inspired by Prof. H. Brenner,
A Life @ Low Reynolds Number, In honor of MIT Professor Howard Brenner, National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C., USA, 19th - 21th May 2024
D. Dockar, M. H. L. Reddy, M. K. Borg, and S. K. Dadzie, (2024) Volume diffusion modelling of a sheared granular gas,
arXiv:2403.01188 [physics.flu-dyn]
A.M. Tomy and S.K. Dadzie, (2022) Diffusion-Slip Boundary Conditions for Isothermal Flows in Micro- and Nano-Channels,
Micromachines 13, 9 1425
M.H. Lakshminarayana Reddy and S.K. Dadzie, (2021) Effects of molecular diffusivity on shock-wave structures in monatomic gases,
Physical Review E 104, 035111
M.H. Lakshminarayana Reddy and S.K. Dadzie, (2021) A Full Evaluation of Accurate Constitutive Relations for Shock Wave Structures in Monatomic Gases,
arXiv:2106.16092, now in Physical Review E 104, 035111
R Marschall, Y Skorov, V Zakharov, L Rezac, S-B Gerig, C Christou, S.K. Dadzie, A Migliorini,
G Rinaldi, J Agarwal, J-B Vincent and D Kappel, (2020)
Cometary comae-surface links: The physics of gas and dust from the surface to a spacecraft,
Space Science Reviews 216, 130
- M. H. Lakshminarayana Reddy and M. Alam, (2020) Regularized moment equations for a granular gas and plane shock waves,
Physical Review Fluids 5 , 044302
M.H. Lakshminarayana Reddy and S.K. Dadzie, (2020) Reinterpreting shock wave structure predictions
using the Navier-Stokes equations, Shock Waves 30, 513-521
C. Christou, S.K. Dadzie, R. Marschall, N. Thomas, (2020) Porosity gradients as a means of driving lateral flows at cometary surfaces,
Planetary and Space Science 180, 104752
AVA Stamatiou, SK Dadzie and MH Lakshminarayana Reddy, (2019) Investigating enhanced mass
flow rates in pressure-driven liquid flows in nanotubes, Journal of Physics Communications 3, 12, 125012
M.H. Lakshminarayana Reddy, S.K. Dadzie, R. Ocone, J.M. Reese, M.K. Borg, (2019) Recasting Navier-Stokes Equations,
Journal of Physics Communications 3, 105009
R. Marschall, L. Reza, D. Kappel, C.C. Su, S.-B. Gerig, M. Rubin, O. Pinzon-Rodriguez, D. Marshall, Y. Liao, C. Herny, G. Arnold, C. Christou, S.K. Dadzie, O. Groussin, P. Hartogh, L. Jorda, E. Kuhrt, S. Mottola, O. Mousis, F. Preusker, F. Scholten, P. Theologou, J.S. Wu, K. Altwegg, R. Rodrigo,
N. Thomas, (2019) A comparison of multiple Rosetta data sets and 3D model calculations of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko coma around equinox (May 2015),
Icarus 328, 104-126
C. Christou, S.K. Dadzie, N. Thomas, R. Marschall, P. Hartogh, L. Jorda, E. Kührt, I. Wright, J. Zarnecki, (2018) Gas flow in near surface comet like porous structures: application to 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko,
Planetary and Space Science 161, 57-67
C. Christou, S.K. Dadzie, (2018) On the numerical simulation of rarefied gas flows in micro-channels,
Journal of Physics Communications 2, 035002
C. Christou, S.K. Dadzie, (2017) An investigation of heat transfer in a cavity flow in the non-continuum
regime, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer 139, 092002
A Dada, K Muradov, S.K. Dadzie, D Davies, (2017) Numerical and analytical modelling of sandface temperature in a dry gas producing well,
Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering 40, 189–207
S.K. Dadzie, C. Christou, (2016) Bi-velocity gas dynamics of a micro lid-driven cavity heat transfer subject to forced-convection,
International Communication Heat and Mass Transfer 78,
C. Christou, S.K. Dadzie, (2015) Direct Simulation Monte Carlo investigation of a Berea porous
structure, SPE Journal
H Akhlaghi, E Roohi, M Balaj, S.K. Dadzie, (2014) Wall heat transfer effects on the hydro/thermal
behaviour of Poiseuille flow in micro/nanochannels, Physics of Fluids 26, 092002
S.K. Dadzie, (2013) A thermo-mechanically consistent Burnett regime continuum flow equations
without Chapman-Enskog expansion, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 716, R6-11
S.K. Dadzie, (2012) Second law of thermodynamics in volume diffusion hydrodynamics in multicomponent
gas mixtures, Physics Letters A 376, 45, 3223-3228
S.K. Dadzie and H Brenner, (2012) Predicting enhanced mass flow rates in micro gas channels using
non-kinetic models, Physical Review E 86, 3, 036318
- S.K. Dadzie, (2012) Comment on “A solution algorithm for the fluid dynamic equations based on
a stochastic model for molecular motion, Jenny et al., Journal of Computational Physics, 229
(2010)”, Journal of Computational Physics 231, 21, 7011-7013
- S.K. Dadzie and J.M. Reese, (2012) Analysis of the thermomechanical inconsistency of some extended
hydrodynamic models at high Knudsen number, Physical Review E 85, 4, 041202
- S.K. Dadzie and J.M. Reese, (2012) Spatial stochasticity and non-continuum effects in gas flows,
Physics Letters A 376, 8-9, 967-972
- J.D. Biggs, D.J. Bennet, S.K. Dadzie, (2012) Time-delayed auto-synchronous swarm control, Physical Review E 85, 1, 016105
S.K. Dadzie and J.M. Reese, (2010) A volume-based hydrodynamic approach to sound wave propagation
in a monatomic gas, Physics of Fluids 22, 1, 016103
- E.J. Arlemark, S.K. Dadzie and J.M. Reese, (2010) An extension to the Navier-Stokes equations by
considering molecular collisions with boundaries, Journal of Heat Transfer 132, 4, 041006
- S.K. Dadzie, J.M. Reese and CR McInnes, (2008) A continuum model of gas flows with localized
density variations, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 387, 6079
- J.G. Méolans and S.K. Dadzie, (2005) Scattering kernel for polyatomic molecules, Journal of Mathematical Physics 46, 6, 062101
- P Carles and S.K. Dadzie, (2005) Two typical time scales of the Piston Effect,
Physical Review
E 71, 6, 066310
- S.K. Dadzie and J.G. Méolans, (2005) Temperature jump and slip velocity calculations from an
anisotropic scattering kernel, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 358,
2-4, 328-346
- S.K. Dadzie and J.G. Méolans, (2004) Anisotropic scattering kernel: Generalized and modified
Maxwell boundary conditions, Journal of Mathematical Physics 45, 5, 1804
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
SK Dadzie,
A new dimension into Navier-Stokes
equations as inspired by Prof. H. Brenner,
A Life @ Low Reynolds Number, In honor of MIT Professor Howard Brenner, National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C., USA, 19th - 21th May 2024
M. H. Lakshminarayana Reddy and S. Kokou Dadzie,
Accurate Constitutive Relations for Shock Wave Structures In Gases,
AFM/MPF 2021, 11th International Conference on Advances in Fluid Dynamics with emphasis on Multiphase and Complex Flow, July 2021
Alexandros Stamatiou, S. Kokou Dadzie, Alwin M. Tomy,
Implementation and testing of a new openfoam solver for pressure-driven liquid flows on the nanoscale,
AFM/MPF 2021, 11th International Conference on Advances in Fluid Dynamics with emphasis on Multiphase and Complex Flow, July 2021
SK Dadzie and M. H. Lakshminarayana Reddy,
Recasting Navier-Stokes Equations: shock wave structure description,
ICNAAM 2019, 17th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Rhodes, Greece, September 2019
S.K. Dadzie and C. Christou, An investigation of a mixed convection in a rarefied gas, 30th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Victoria, Canada, July 2016
C. Christou and S.K. Dadzie, Non-Equilibrium Heat Transfer in a Cavity Flow in Rarefied Regime, 30th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics , Victoria, Canada, July 2016,
S.K. Dadzie, W.G. Tubby, C. Christou, Investigation of various permeability laws in tight porous media, 2nd European
Conference on Non-equilibrium Gas Flows (NEGF2015), Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 2015
- C. Christou, S.K. Dadzie, Direct Simulation Monte Carlo in Porous Structures at various Knudsen
numbers, SPE 173314, SPE Reservoir Simulation Symposium , Houston, Texas, USA, February
- S.K. Dadzie, A single fluid kinetic and continuum model in multicomponent gas mixtures, 12th
International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM), Rhodes,
Greece, September 2014, in AIP Proceedings
- S.K. Dadzie, Transition regime analytical solution to gas mass flow rate in a rectangular micro
channel, 28th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Zaragoza, Spain, July 2012, in
AIP Proceedings
- S.K. Dadzie and J.M. Reese, Dissipative mass flux and sound wave propagations in monatomic gases,
27th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics , Pacific Grove, California, US, July 2010,
in AIP Proceedings
- N. Dongari, S.K. Dadzie and J.M. Reese, Isothermal micro-channel gas flow using a hydrodynamic
model with dissipative mass flux, 27th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Pacific
Grove, California, US, July 2010, in AIP Proceedings
- S.K. Dadzie and J.M. Reese, The concept of mass-density in classical thermodynamics and the Boltzmann
kinetic equation for dilute gases, 26th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics,
Kyoto, Japan, July 2008, in AIP Proceedings
- E.J. Arlemark, S.K. Dadzie and J. M. Reese, An extension to the Navier-Stokes-Fourier equations
by considering molecular collisions with boundaries, 6th International ASME Conference
on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels, Darmstadt, Germany, June 2008, in ASME
- S.K. Dadzie and J.G. Méolans, Wall temperature jump in polyatomic gas flows, 25th International
Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, St Petersburg, Russia, July 2006, in AIP Proceedings
- S.K. Dadzie and J.G. Méolans, Slip length and problem of anomalous velocity profiles, AIAA 4th
Theoretical Fluids Mechanics Meeting, Toronto, Canada, June 2005, in AIAA Journal Proceedings
- J.G. Méolans and S.K. Dadzie, Scattering Kernel of polyatomic gases, 24th International Symposium
on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Bari, Italy, July 2004, in AIP Proceedings
- S.K. Dadzie and J.G. Méolans, Anisotropic scattering kernel and temperature jump at the wall,
24th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics , Bari, Italy, July 2004, in AIP Proceedings
- P Carles, S.K. Dadzie, and F Zhong, The Piston Effect as a mean to measure the near critical
bulk viscosity, 5th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties , Boulder, Colorado, June 2003, in
International Journal of Thermophysics Proceedings