We are looking for highly motivated candidates with a strong background in the following related areas: plasmonics, nanophotonics, metamaterials or closely related areas.  Skills in using cleanroom and nanofabrication facility are desirable. Experience in CST microwave studio, COMSOL Multiphysics and math tools such as Matlab will be a plus.
  • Self-motivated graduate students with excellent potential are welcome to join us for PhD study to tackle exciting new scientific and engineering challenges in nanophotonics research. Scholarships and help can be provided to experienced researchers.
  • Self-supported graduate students and visiting scholars with fellowships/scholarships are welcome.
  • Although postdoctoral position is not available at this moment, you are encouraged to contact us if you have suitable research background. We will contact you immediately once we have openings available.
Please contact Dr Chen via email (x.chen at hw.ac.uk) and enclose a CV, a brief summary of why you feel you are applicable and details of two professional references.
Your PhD study can be supported by the following studentships

1) Scottish Doctoral Training Centre in Condensed Matter: Fully funded PhD studentships are available in Condensed Matter research. For further information please visit http://cm-dtc.supa.ac.uk/

2) Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA) Prize Studentships: Outstanding students from any country is considered. Detailed information can found here: http://www.supa.ac.uk/

3) Partial Scholarships: The scholarships provide full fees and a contribution towards maintenance for up to three years. Please also visit http://www.postgraduate.hw.ac.uk/scholarships/ for information.

4) Fees Only Scholarships: These scholarships provide full fees for up to three years. Further information can also be found in http://www.postgraduate.hw.ac.uk/scholarships/

Copyright belongs to Xianzhong Chen's research group