Highlighted papers

X. Zang, F. Dong, F. Yue, C. Zhang, L. Xu, Z. Song, M. Chen, P.-Y. Chen, G. S. Buller, Y. Zhu, S. Zhuang, W. Chu, S. Zhang, X. Chen, Polarization Encoded Color Image Embedded in a Dielectric Metasurface, Advanced Materials, 1707499  (2018). DOI: 10.1002/adma.201707499.  

F. Yue, C. Zhang, X. Zang, D. Wen, B.D. Gerardot, S. Zhang, X. Chen, High-resolution grayscale image hidden in a laser beam, Light: Science & Applications, 7,  17129 (2018).

Dandan Wen, Fuyong Yue, Guixin Li, Guoxing Zheng, Kinlong Chan, Shumei Chen, Ming Chen, King Fai Li, Polis Wing Han Wong, Kok Wai Cheah, Edwin Yue Bun Pun, Shuang Zhang, Xianzhong Chen, ''Helicity multiplexed broadband metasurface holograms'', Nature Communications, 6, 8241 (2015).

L. Huang*, X. Chen*, H. Muhlenbernd*, H. Zhang, S. Chen, B. Bai, Q. Tan, G. Jin, K. W. Cheah, C. W. Qiu, J. Li, T. Zentgraf & S. Zhang, ''Three-Dimensional Optical Holography Using a Plasmonic Metasurface'', Nature Communication, 4, 2808 (2013).

L. Huang*, X. Chen*, H. Muhlenbernd* , G. Li , B. Bai , Q. Tan , G. Jin , T. Zentgraf , and S. Zhang, "Dispersionless Phase Discontinuities for Controlling Light Propagation", Nano Letters, 12, 5750 (2012)

Refereed Journal Papers


Xiaofei  Zang, Hongzhen  Ding, Yuttana  Intaravanne, Lin Chen, Yan  Peng,Jingya  Xie,Qinghong Ke,Alexey. V. Balakin, Alexander. P. Shkurinov, Xianzhong Chen, Yiming Zhu, Songlin Zhuang, Multi-foci metalens with polarization-rotated focal points, Laser Photonics Reviews, in press.
C. Zhang, F. Dong, Y. Intaravanne, X. Zang, L. Xu, Z. Song, G. Zheng, W. Wang, W. Chu., X. Chen*, Multichannel Metasurfaces for Anti-counterfeiting, Physical Review Applied, 12, 034028 (2019).
C. Blackwell, C. Can, J. Khan, X. Chen, I. Underwood, Volumetric 3D display in real space using a diffractive lens, fast projector and polychromatic light source, Optics Letters (in press).
S. Hermon, A. Ma, F. Yue, F. Kubrom, Yuttana Intaravanne, J. Han, Y. Ma, X. Chen*, Metasurface hologram for polarization measurement, 44, 4436, Optics Letters, 44, 4436 (2019).
Y. Tang, Y. Intaravanne, J. Deng, K. F. Li, X. Chen*, and G. Li, Nonlinear Vectorial Metasurface for Optical Encryption, Phys. Rev. Applied, 12, 024028 (2019)
H. Liu, L. Zheng, P. Ma, Y. Zhong, B. Liu, X. Chen*, H. Liu, Metasurface generated polarization insensitive Fano resonance for high-performance refractive index sensing, Optics Express, 27, 13252 (2019).


Z. Li,  W. Liu, Z. Li, C. Tang, H. Cheng,  J. Li, X. Chen, S. Chen, J. Tian, Tripling the Capacity of Optical Vortices by Nonlinear Metasurface, Laser Photonics Review, 1800164 (2018).
C. Zhang, D. Wen, F. Yue, Y. Intaravanne, W. Wang, X. Chen, Optical Metasurface Generated Vector Beam for Anticounterfeiting, Physical Review Applied, 10, 034028 (2018).
D. Wen, F. Yue, W. Liu, S. Chen, X. Chen, Geometric metasurface and its application in ultrathin optical devices, Advanced Optical Materials, 2018, DOI:10.1002/adom.201800348.
Z. Guo, X. Chen, and T. Zentgraf, Editorial for the Theories and Applications of Metasurfaces, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51, 150201 (2018).
Z. Zhang, D. Wen, C. Zhang, M. Chen, W. Wang, S. Chen, X. Chen, Multifunctional light sword metasurface lens, ACS Photonics, 2018. DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.7b01536. 
X. Zang, F. Dong, F. Yue, C. Zhang, L. Xu, Z. Song, M. Chen, P.-Y. Chen, G. S. Buller, Y. Zhu, S. Zhuang, W. Chu., S. Zhang, X. Chen, Polarization Encoded Color Image Embedded in a Dielectric Metasurface, Advanced Materials, 1707499 (2018). DOI: 10.1002/adma.201707499. 
Y. Liu, J. Xu, S. Xiao, X. Chen, and J. Li, Metasurface Approach to External Cloak and Designer Cavities, ACS Photonics, 5, 1749 (2018). 
F. Yue, C. Zhang, X. Zang, D. Wen, B.D. Gerardot, S. Zhang, X. Chen, High-resolution grayscale image hidden in a laser beam, Light: Science & Applications, 7, 17129 (2018).


Fuyong Yue, Xiaofei Zang, Dandan Wen, Zile Li, Chunmei Zhang, Huigang Liu, Brian D. Gerardot, Wei Wang, Guoxing Zheng, Xianzhong Chen, Geometric Phase Generated Optical Illusion, Scientific Reports, 7, 11440, 2017.
C. Zhang, F. Yue, D. Wen, M. Chen, Z. Zhang, W. Wang, X. Chen, Multi-channel metasurface for simultaneous control of holograms and twisted light beams, ACS Photonics, 4, 1906 (2017).
In terms of system integration and device miniaturization, a single optical device that can possess more tunable functionalities in multiple channels is desirable. As a proof of concept, we experimentally demonstrate such an ultrathin optical device that can simultaneously realize polarization-controllable hologram and superposition of orbital angular momentum (OAM) in multiple channels. By continuously controlling the polarization state of the incident light, the polarization-dependent holographic images in two channels along the horizontal direction and the continuous control of OAM superposition in two channels along the vertical direction are realized. The uniqueness of the device lies in that both the superpositions of OAM states and the holographic images are controlled at the same time. This novel device provides a fast and efficient tool for simultaneous control of hologram and manipulation of OAM supposition in various channels, which significantly simplifies the experimental system and is of importance for the current efforts in the field of information optics, security, quantum science and fundamental physics.
D. Wen, F. Yue, C. Zhang, X. Zang, H. Liu, W. Wang, X. Chen, Plasmonic metasurface for optical rotation, Applied Physics Letters, 111, 023102 (2017).
Optical activity, known as optical rotation, has found many applications ranging from optical isolators and concentration determination to sophisticated organic structure analysis. Miniaturization and integration are two continuing trends in the production of photonic devices. However, there are fundamental or technical challenges to further reduce the thickness of the optical elements to generate desirable polarization rotation with broadband and high efficiency. Here in this paper, an efficient method to realize optical rotation for the visible and near infrared light is experimentally demonstrated using an ultrathin metasurface. The polarization rotation originates from the additional phase difference between the two circular polarizations induced by the rectangular metasurface phase grating. Benefiting from the advantages of the reflective metasurface, the fabricated highly efficient device can operate in the broadband. Good agreement between the designed rotation angle and measured results renders this technique very attractive for the practical application in device miniaturization and system integration.

J. Burch, D. Wen, X. Chen, and A. Di Falco, Conformable holographic metasurfaces, Scientific Reports, 7, 4520 (2017).

Metasurface holograms are typically fabricated on rigid substrates. Here we experimentally demonstrate broadband, flexible, conformable, helicity multiplexed metasurface holograms operating in the visible range, offering increased potential for real life out-of-the-lab applications. Our metasurface features thearrangement of spatially varying gold nanorods on a flexible, conformable epoxy resist membraneto realize a Pancharatnam-Berry phase profile. These results pave the way to practical applications including polarization manipulation, beam steering, novel lenses, and holographic displays.

F. Yue, D. Wen, C. Zhang, B.D. Gerardot, W. Wang, S. Zhang, X. Chen, Multichannel polarization-controllable superpositions of orbital angular momentum states, Advanced Materials, 29, 1603838 (2017).

We propose and experimentally demonstrate a facile metasurface approach to realize polarization-controllable multichannel superpositions of OAM states at will. Multiple OAM beams in separate channels are generated by a single metasurface for an incident Gaussian beam with circular polarization. By manipulating the polarization state of the incident light, arbitrary control of the superpositions of various OAM states in multiple channels is realized. This approach provides a fast and efficient way for the manipulation of OAM superposition and significantly simplifies the experiment setup, which is of great importance for the current efforts in the fields of quantum entanglement, metrology, and optical data storage.


Fuyong Yue, Dandan Wen, Jingtao Xin, Brian Gerardot, Jensen Li, Xianzhong Chen, Vector vortex beam generation with a single plasmonic metasuface, ACS Photonics, 3, 1558 (2016)

Despite a plethora of applications ranging from quantum memories to high-resolution lithography, the current technologies to generate vector vortex beams (VVBs) suffer from less efficient energy use poor resolution, low damage threshold, and bulky size, preventing further practical applications. We propose and experimentally demonstrate an approach to generate VVBs with a single metasurface by locally tailoring phase and transverse polarization distribution. This method features the spin-orbit coupling and the superposition of the converted part with an additional phase pickup and the residual part without a phase change. By maintaining the equal components for the converted part and the residual part, the cylindrically polarized vortex beams carrying orbital angular momentum are experimentally demonstrated based on a single metasurface at subwavelength scale. The proposed approach provides unprecedented freedom in engineering the properties of optical waves with the high-efficiency light utilization and a minimal footprint.

Dandan Wen, Fuyong Yue, Marcus Ardron, Xianzhong Chen, ''Multifunctional metasurface lens for imaging and Fourier transform'', Scientific Reports, 6, 27628 (2016).

A metasurface can manipulate light in a desirable manner by imparting local and space-variant abrupt phase change. Benefiting from such an unprecedented capability, the conventional concept of what constitutes an optical lens continues to evolve. Ultrathin optical metasurface lenses have been demonstrated based on various nanoantennas such as V-shape structures, nanorods and nanoslits. A single device that can integrate two different types of lenses and polarities is desirable for system integration and device miniaturization. We experimentally demonstrate such an ultrathin metasurface lens that can function either as a circular lens or a cylindrical lens, depending on the helicity of the incident light. Helicity-controllable focal line and focal point in the real focal plane, as well as imaging and 1D/2D Fourier transforms, are observed on the same lens. Our work provides a unique tool for polarization imaging, image processing and particle trapping. 

Dandan Wen, Shumei Chen, Fuyong Yue, Kinlong Chan, Ming Chen, Marcus Ardron, King Fai Li, Polis Wing Han Wong, Kok Wai Cheah, Edwin Yue Bun Pun, Guixin Li, Shuang Zhang, Xianzhong Chen, ''Metasurface device with helicity-dependent functionality'', Advanced Optical Materials, 4, 2 (2016)

Driven by miniaturization and system integration, ultrathin, multifunction optical elements are urgently needed. Traditional polarization-selective optical elements are mainly based on birefringence, which is realized by using the well-designed structure of each phase pixel. However, further reduction of the pixel size and improvement of the phase levels are hindered by the complicated fabrication process. An approach is proposed to realize a metasurface device that possesses two distinct functionalities. The designed metasurface device, consisting of gold nanorods with spatially varying orientation, has been experimentally demonstrated to function as either a lens or a hologram, depending on the helicity of the incident light. As the phase of the scattered light is controlled by the orientation of the nanorods, arbitrary phase levels and dispersionless phase profile can be realized through a much simpler fabrication process than the conventional device. This approach provides an unconventional alternative to realize multifunction optical element, dramatically increasing the functionality density of the optical systems.


Dandan Wen, Fuyong Yue, Guixin Li, Guoxing Zheng, Kinlong Chan, Shumei Chen, Ming Chen, King Fai Li, Polis Wing Han Wong, Kok Wai Cheah, Edwin Yue Bun Pun, Shuang Zhang, Xianzhong Chen, ''Helicity multiplexed broadband metasurface holograms'', Nature Communications, 6, 8241 (2015).

Metasurfaces are engineered interfaces that contain a thin layer of plasmonic or dielectric nanostructures capable of manipulating light in a desirable manner. Advances in metasurfaces have led to various practical applications ranging from lensing to holography. Metasurface holograms that can be switched by the polarization state of incident light have been demonstrated for achieving polarization multiplexed functionalities. However, practical application of these devices has been limited by their capability for achieving high efficiency and high image quality. Here we experimentally demonstrate a helicity multiplexed metasurface hologram with high efficiency and good image fidelity over a broad range of frequencies. The metasurface hologram features the combination of two sets of hologram patterns operating with opposite incident helicities. Two symmetrically distributed off-axis images are interchangeable by controlling the helicity of the input light. The demonstrated helicity multiplexed metasurface hologram with its high performance opens avenues for future applications with functionality switchable optical devices.

X. Chen, M. Chen, M. Q. Mehmood, D. Wen, F. Yue, C.-W. Qiu, S. Zhang, "Longitudinal multi-foci metalens for circularly polarized light", Advanced Optical Materials, 3,9 (2015).

We propose and experimentally demonstrate an ultrathin flat metasurface lens with longitudinal multiple foci for circularly polarized light. The designed metasurface consists of a monolayer of metallic nanorods with spatially varying orientation. Six focal points are observed for the linearly polarized light, while three focal points are observed for the circularly polarized light. Unlike the traditional multi-foci diffractive lenses, the position and the polarization of the focal points depend on the helicity of the incident light. The developed lenses may find application in simultaneously manipulating multiple particles for bioscience, imaging for integrated photonics and controlling orbital angular momentum for quantum information processing.

D. Wen, F. Yue, S. Kumar, Y. Ma, M. Chen, X. Ren, P. E. Kremer,  B. D. Gerardot, M. R. Taghizadeh, G. S. Buller, X. Chen*, "Metasurface for characterization of the polarization state of light", Optics Express, 23, 8 (2015).

The miniaturization of measurement systems currently used to characterize the polarization state of light is limited by the bulky optical components used such as polarizers and waveplates. We propose and experimentally demonstrate a simple and compact approach to measure the ellipticity and handedness of the polarized light using an ultrathin (40 nm) gradient metasurface. A completely polarized light beam is decomposed into a left circularly polarized beam and a right circularly polarized beam, which are steered in two directions by the metasurface consisting of nanorods with spatially varying orientations. By measuring the intensities of the refracted light spots, the ellipticity and handedness of various incident polarization states are characterized at a range of wavelengths and used to determine the polarization information of the incident beam. To fully characterize the polarization state of light, an extra polarizer can be used to measure the polarization azimuth angle of the incident light.


X. Chen, Y. Zhang, L. Huang and S. Zhang, "Ultrathin metasurface laser beam shaper", Advanced Optical Materials, 2014, DOI: 10.1002/adom.201400186.


L. Huang*, X. Chen*, H. Muhlenbernd*, H. Zhang, S. Chen, B. Bai, Q. Tan, G. Jin, K. W. Cheah, C. W. Qiu, J. Li, T. Zentgraf & S. Zhang, "Three-Dimensional Optical Holography Using a Plasmonic Metasurface", Nature Communication, 4, 2808 (2013).

X. Chen*, L. Huang*, H. Muhlenbernd*, G. Li, B. Bai, Q. Tan, G. Jin, C. W. Qiu, T. Zentgraf, and S. Zhang, "Reversible three-dimensional focusing of visible light with ultrathin plasmonic flat lens", Adv. Opt. Mater. 1, 517-521 (2013) [Pdf]

L. Huang*, X. Chen*, B. Bai, Q. Tan, G. Jin, T. Zentgraf & S. Zhang, "Helicity Dependent Directional Surface Plasmon Polariton Excitation Using a Metasurface with Interfacial Phase Discontinuity", Nature - Light: Science & Applications, 2, e70 (2013).

S. Zhang, X. Chen, L. Huang, B. Bai, Q. Tan, G. Jin, H. Muhlenbernd, T. Zentgraf, G. Li, and C. W. Qiu, "Metalens with convex and concave functionality", 26 April 2013 in SPIE Newsroom.


X. Chen*, L. Huang*, H. Muhlenbernd*, G. X. Li, B. Bai, Q. Tan, G. Jin, C. W. Qiu, S. Zhang, and T. Zentgraf, "Dual-polarity plasmonic metalens for visible light", Nature Communications, 3, 1198 (2012).

L. Huang*, X. Chen*, H. Muhlenbernd *, G. Li , B. Bai , Q. Tan , G. Jin , T. Zentgraf , and S. Zhang, "Dispersionless Phase Discontinuities for Controlling Light Propagation", Nano Letters, 12, 5750 (2012)


X. Chen, Y. Luo, J. Zhang, K. Jiang, J. B. Pendry and S. Zhang, "Macroscopic Invisibility Cloaking of Visible Light", Nature Communications, 2, 176 (2011).

X. Wei, X. Chen, K. Jiang, "Fabrication of nickel nanostructure arrays via a modified nanosphere lithography", Nanoscale Research Letters 6, 1-5(2011). 


X. Chen, K. Jiang, "Effect of aging on optical properties of bimetallic sensor chips", Optics Express, 18, 1105-1112 (2010).

X. Chen, H. Ostadi, K. Jiang, "3D surface reconstruction of diatomaceous frustules", Analytical Biochemistry, 403(1-2), 63-66 (2010). (Selected as journal cover)

X. Chen, M. Pan, K. Jiang, "Sensitivity enhancement of SPR biosensor by improving surface quality of glass slides", Microelectron. Eng., 87, 790-792 (2010)


X. Chen, X. Wei, K. Jiang, "Fabrication of high-aspect-ratio, size-tunable nanopore arrays by modified nanosphere lithography", Nanotechnology, 20, 425605 (2009).

X. Chen, X. Wei, K. Jiang, "Fabrication of large-area nickel nanobump arrays", Microelectron. Eng., 86, 871-873 (2009).    


X. Chen, X. Wei, K. Jiang, "Large-scale fabrication of ordered metallic hybrid nanostructures", Optics Express, 16, 11888-11893(2008).

X. Chen, K. Jiang, "A large-area hybrid metallic nanostructure array and its optical properties", Nanotechnology, 19, 215305 (2008).

X. Chen, R. E. Palmer, A.P.G. Robinson, "A high resolution water soluble fullerene molecular resist for electron beam lithography", Nanotechnology, 19, 275308 (2008).    

Recent invited talks

Xianzhong Chen, Fuyong Yue, Dandan Wen, Jingtao Xin, Brian D. Gerardot, Jensen Li, Single Metasurface for vector vortex beam generation,  PIERS in St Petersburg, Russia, 22-25 May, 2017.

X. Chen, F. Yue, D. Wen, C. Zhang, B. D. Gerardot, W. Wang, S. Zhang, Metasurface for polarization-controllable multichannel superpositions of orbital angular momentum states, META'17, Seoul, Korea, 25-28 July, 2017.

X.Chen, D. Wen, F.Yue, Optical metasurfaces for ultrathin optical devices, The 37th  PIERS, Shanghai, China, 8-11 August 2016.

X. Chen, D. Wen, F. Yue, G. Li, G. Zheng, K. Chan, S. Chen, M. Chen, K. F. Li, P. W. H. Wong, K. W. Cheah, E. Y. B. Pun, S. Zhang, Metasurface for helicity multiplexed broadband holograms, Meta'16, Malaga, Spain, 25-28 July 2016.

Dandan Wen, Fuyong Yue, Santosh Kumar, Yong Ma , Ming Chen, Ximing Ren , Peter E. Kremer , Brain D. Gerardot, Mohammad R. Taghizadeh , Gerald S. Buller , and Xianzhong Chen, ''Polarization Measurement Method Based on Metasurface'', Piers in Prague, Cezch Republic 2015.

Xianzhong Chen, Dandan Wen, Fuyong Yue, and Ming Chen, ''Ultrathin Planar Optical Devices with Unusual Functionalities'', Piers in Prague, Cezch Republic 2015.

X. Chen and S. Zhang, "Metasurface for ultrathin optical devices with unusual functionalities", BIT's 4th Annual World Congress of Nano Science & Technology in Qingdao, China 2014.

X. Chen, L. Huang, H. Mühlenbernd, G. Li, S. Chen, H. Zhang, B. Bai, Q. Tan, G. Jin, K.-W. Cheah, C.-W. Qiu, J. Li, T. Zentgraf, S. Zhang, "Ultrathin planar optical devices with metasurfaces", International Nanophotonics and Nanoenergy Conference 2014 in Seoul, 2014.

X. Chen, L. Huang, H. Mühlenbernd, G. Li, B. Bai, Q. Tan, G. Jin, C. W. Qiu, T. Zentgraf, S. Zhang, "Ultrathin optical plasmonic metadevices based on phase discontinuity", PIERS 2013 in Stockholm.

X. Chen, L. Huang, H. Mühlenbernd, G. Li, B. Bai, Q. Tan, G. Jin, C.-W. Qiu, T. Zentgraf, S. Zhang, "Plasmonic metadevices based on phase discontinuity for circular polarizations", The 4th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, 2013, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

S. Zhang, X. Chen, Y. Luo, J. Zhang, K. Jiang, J. B. Pendry and S. Zhang, Macroscopic invisibility cloak of visible light, Fifth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, 2012, Barcelona, Spain (Presented on behalf of Prof. Zhang). 

Book Chapters

[1] X. Chen, L. Zhang, C.-W. Qiu and S. Zhang, Chapter 3 Ultrathin Metalens and Three-Dimensional Optical Holography Using Metasurfaces, In Book Plasmonics and Super-Resolution Imaging, edited by Zhaowei Liu, Pages 91-126, published by Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd, ISBN 9789814669917 (2017).
[2] X. Chen, D. Wen, F. Yue, "Metasurface and ultrathin optical devices", to be published by Taylor and Francis.
[3] Chapter 12, Nanotechnology show case, Vistas in nanofabrication, edited by Faiz Rahman, published by Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd., 2012, ISBN: 978-981-4364-56-0
[4] Chapter 7, Micro- and nanofabrication technique based on Optical projection exposure, Press of Beijing University of Technology, 2007, ISBN: 5639-1669-5

Copyright belongs to Xianzhong Chen's research group