Tissue Mechanics Laboratory


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•    Two new PhD scholarships available in 2014!


September 2014

•   Dr. Enrico Dall'Ara from University of Sheffield visited our lab and gave an invited seminar at EPS.


•   Congratulations to Ben Esfandiar who won 'the best Poster award' at EPS PRG Conference 2014!



June 2014

•    Congratulations to Javier Palacio who won 'the best presentation award' at IMPEE ECR Conference 2014!


•    Group members (Solenn Le Pense, Behnam Esfandiar, Frank Yntema and Javier Palacio) gave talks in IMPEE ECR Conference

•    Judith Abolle presented her research in World Forum of Young Scientists, Baku, Azerbaijan


May 2014

•    Congratulations to Judith Abolle, who has been invited to attend World Forum of Young Scientists in Baku, Azerbaijan!

March 2014

•    Congratulations to Graeme Churchill who won 'best presentation prize' at Mechanical Engineering Presentation Day!

January 2014

•    Dr. Pankaj Pankaj from University of Edinburgh visited us and gave an invited seminar at EPS

•    Welcome Dr. Solenn Le Pense to our group!

•    Welcome PhD candidate Behnam Esfandiar to our group!

December 2013

•    Javier Palacio presented his recent work on prostate mechanics and diagnostics at MOBT2013

November 2013

•    Dr. Chen gave an invited seminar at School of Life Science, HWU

•    Dr. Chen was invited to attend 'International Symposium at Frontier Research Institute' and gave an invited seminar at School of Engineering, Osaka University

•    Our research and recently funded project were highlighted in the university newsletter.


September 2013

•     Prof. Peter Hoskins visited us and gave an invited seminar at EPS

•    Congratulations to Javier Palacio who won 'the best poster award' at EPS Poster Competition 2013!



August 2013

•    Welcome research students (Akmyrat Myradov, Nikhil Singh, Graeme Churchill, Martin George, Bartlomiej Kornacki) to our group!

June 2013

•    Welcome PhD candidate Frank Yntema to our group!

February 2013

•    Welcome PhD candidate Javier Palacio to our group!

January 2013

•     Prof. Damien Lacroix visited us and gave an invited seminar at EPS

•    Welcome undergraduate Varun Varadharajan to our group!

October 2012

•    One international PhD studentship available (updated)

•    PhD scholarship available for UK/EU Students

September 2012

•    Dr. Chen was invited to visit Prof. Juergen Siepmann and INSERM 1008 in Lille, France

•    Welcome undergraduates Giovanni Pesare and Kayleigh Rix to our group!

•    Dr. Chen participated in the EPSRC Math-in-Healthcare Sandpit

June 2012

•    Another full PhD studentship available (EPSRC project)

•    One full PhD studentship available

March 2012

•    Two PhD tuition-waivers available now!  (updated)


Heriot-Watt School of EPS  IMPEE

Yuhang Chen © 2012